wafa's thought

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

teks drama bahasa inggris

My friend is everything for me
  This is true story, It is about friendship, they are like my family, they totally love me, they cheer me up when my feeling is up and down, they are truly the amazing people that make my life perfect. They are everything for me.
Ini cerita nyata, ini ttg persahabatan, mereka seperti keluargaku, mereka menyayangiku, mereka menghiburku saat aku sedang galau, mereka sungguh orang yg luar biasa yg membuat hidupku sempurna, mereka segalanya bagiku.

Emm.. Dila, a young girl who tells the truth, easy-mad but she is a kind girl that I meet along my life.
Dila, cewek muda yg sll berkata adanya, mudah marah tapi dia cewek yg baik hati yg aku temui sepanjang hidupku
And a little bit crazy girl is Zuli, she is very fussy and when she is sad she will scream by herself.
Dan seorang cewek yg sedikit gila, Zuli. Dia sangat cerewet dan saat dia sedih dia akan berteriak sendiri.
L.A.I.L.Y, a girl who brings a pile of books anywhere, she always preaches us, sometimes I’m fed up with her, but no one takes her place in my life.
Seorang cewek yg selalu membawa setumpuk buku keman-mana, dia selalu menceramahi kita, terkadang saya muak dg nya, tetapi tidak ada seorangpun ygbisa mengambil tempatnya dalam hidupku.
The last is Eka, someone who gives advice and she is easy envious and easy to forget where she puts her stuff.
Yg terakhir, Eka, seseorang yg memberi nasehat dia mudah cemburu dan melupakan sesutu yg ia tinggalkan
( In the school )
Hi, you must know my name, my friends call me the handsome boy, I am a leader of student organization in this school, MA Pahesan is the unforgettable place because I find my love and lots of friends here.
Hi, kamu harus tahu namaku, teman2ku memanggilku si ganteng, saya ketua OSIS di sekolah ini, MA Pahesan adalah tempat yg tak terlupakan karena saya menemukan cinta dan teman disini.
Mahasin           : This is Rikza, / ini rikza
Rikza                : Ho..hoo I am Rikza , I am not too handsome but God gives me great intelligence, my
                          friends call me , SB ( it is spelled) or smart boy, you can see who I am after this,
                          WAIT !!! I will show to you.
                          Hoo, saya rikza , saya tdk terlalu ganteng tp Tuhan member ku kecerdasan yg
                          hebat, temanku memanggilku si cerdas, kalia bisa melihat siapa saya setelah ini,
                          Tunggu!! Saya akan tunjukkan kpd mu
Imro’                : Hi, class , how is it going ? ( Hi,, kelas, Apa kabar ? )
All                    : We feel great, Mam ( Kita baik-baik saja )
Imro                 : Ok, that fine, today we will learn “multiplication” ( OK, hari ini kita akan belajar perkalian )
Mahasin           : What’s that ? ( Apaan itu )
Rikza                : Let me handle it, I am Mr. Math (Biar saya yg tangani, saya bapak matematika kok )
All                    : Huw.. how conceited you are ( Sombong banget kamu )
Imro                 : Keep class quiet, the root of 625 ( six hundred and twenty five)  is ?
                          Jaga kelas agar ttp tenang, akar dari 625 adalah ?
Rikza                : yes, 25 ( twenty five ) It must be true, ( ya, 25 , itu pasti benar )
Imro                 : amazing answer, smart boy ( jawaban yg menakjubkan, si cerdas )
Rikza                : Yes, I am ( ya, itu aku )
All                    : Huw…huww
( in the computer laboratory )
Dila                  : What happens with you ? ( ada apa dg mu ? )
Fuani                : Nothing, I am OK ( tidak ada apa-apa, saya baik-baik saja )
Eka                   : but you look pale ( tapi kamu terlihat pucet tuh )
Yuli                  : are you sick ? ( kamu sakit ?)
Fuani                : No, I am just a bit confused with these letters, Mahasin and Rikza , they say that
                          they love me ?
                          Tidak, saya hanya sedikit pusing dg surat2 ini, mahasin dan Rikza, mereka bilang
                          bahwa mereka menyukaiku
Laily                 : What ?? Rikza, a little boy who tells smart and seems idiot and Mahasin, the big
                           one ?
                             Apa ? Rikza, lelaki kecil yg sok pinter dan kelihatan idiot itu, dan mahasin yg besar
                             itu kah ?
Dila                  : I hope that is not they are, they are freak boys
                            Saya harap itu bukan mereka, mereka cowok2 aneh
Eka                   : Rikza is smart and easy smiling ( Rikza itu cerdas dan suka senyum )
Yuli                  : Do you crush on Rikza   ? ( Apa kamu naksir rikza ? )
Eka                   : No, I don’t  ( Tidak )
Dila                  :  Don’t be a liar ( jgn bohong )
Eka                   : Emm.. yes, I crush on him ( pushing Laily book and the book scatters around )
                          Em, ya saya naksir dia ( sambil mendorong buku2 Laily dan bukunya bertebaran )
Fuani                : Where are you going, Eka ? ( Mau kemana Eka ? )
Eka                   : No one cares about me ( enggak ada yg peduli ama aku lagi )
Zuli                  : let her go ( biarin aja dia pergi )
Eka                   : You are wicked, you are not my friends , all of you are selfish ( running and crying)
                           Kalian jahat, kalian bukan temanku, kalian semua egois

Narroator : And after that time, Eka never asks or greet them.
Dan stelah itu , Eka tdk pernah bertanya maupun menyapa mereka

( In the library )
Mahasin           : I smell something fragrant ( saya mencium sesuatu yg harum )
Rikza                : I am not Biksu tong but I am like sitting with Cupatkei in Kera sakti movie
                          Saya bukan Biksu tong tetapi saya seperti sedang duduk dg Cupatkei dalam film
                          kera sakti
Mahasin           : What did you say ? ( Apa kamu bilang !!)
Rikza                : forget it ( lupain aja )
Mahasin           : Look at a girl who wears veil, I think she crushes on me ( sambil serem menikmati  
                           bau parfum fuani)
                           Perhatikan gadis yg memakai kerudung itu, saya rasa dia naksir pd ku
Riza                  : Don’t daydream, That is impossible ( menepuk punggung mahasin dg keras )
                          Jgn bermimpi !!, Itu tidak mungkin

Narrator : and fuani walks toward them and say “ Hi, Rikza and Mahasin “
Dan Fuani berjalan kearah mereka dan berkata “ Hi, Rikza , Mahasin “
Rikza                : Don’t you know, who is called her ? That’s clear ( R.I.K.Z.A)
                          Apa kamu tidak tahu apa , siapa yg dia sebut ? Itu jelas ( R.I.K.Z.A)
Mahasin           : You are too much , you are not my friend anymore, I hate you
                           Kamu keterlaluan, kamu bukan temenku lagi, saya benci kamu
Rikza                : I hate you, too ha..ha../ saya benci kamu juga ( sambil ketawa )
Narrator : Love is a holy thing and It is a special gift from God, don’t break your relationship with your friends because of love, when it happens that is not LOVE but Egoism.

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