wafa's thought

Rabu, 27 November 2013


Zaenul Wafa

Speech community- any human aggregate characterized by regular and frequent interaction by means of a shared body of verbal signs and set off from similar aggregates by significant differences in language usage
Repertoires- sets of styles, codes and linguistic information possessed by members of the community, selected according to social needs
Speech act- routine ways of speaking; utterances that involve both language and social information; e.g., promise, argue, joke utter, dare, curse, disdain (?)
Speech event- social interactional event involving communication; how speech resources of the community are largely put to use
compound bilinguals  Bilinguals who learned one language after (and so through) another.  co-ordinate bilinguals  Bilinguals who have learned each language in separate contexts and so keep them distinct.
 Jakobson's functions of speech:
Function Focus (or aspect)
referential, cognitive context
poetic message
metalinguistic code
directive, conative adressee (R)
emotive, expressive S
contact phatic, interaction management
Linguistics Vs. Sociolinguistics
Focus on the Sentence speech acts, events, discourse
Qualitative units (predicate, etc.) some quantification of linguistic
Absolute rules (variable) rules in their social context
Ideal speaker/hearer (competence) real speaker/hearer (performance)
Homogeneous speech community heterogeneous
Cognitive/referential function other functions as well as logico/
perceptual function
product process
replication of uniformity model organization of diversity model
Codes: Language- e.g., English
Dialect- e.g., Nigerian English
Register- e.g., Baby talk
Style- e.g., intimate
Genre- e.g., Joke
Idiolect- Idiosyncrasies of individual speech
Accent- difference of pronunciation (often associated with regional dialect)
Dialect- difference between kinds of language in terms of vocabulary and grammar as well as pronunciation (sometimes really separate language, or "languages" are really just dialects); regional and ethnic association
Standard- the dialect or variety of the dominant socioeconomic group
- often the written variety, or that taught in class
- sometimes a 'high' variety (cf. "Diglossia" article)
Lingua Franca- second language spoken by common agreement by people from different language communities for social, economic or political purposes
Pidgin- lingua franca with no native speakers (so-called "broken"); results from merger of two or more languages, involving simplification so that a new, but rudimentary language emerges in a special contact situation; there are fewer lexical items, simpler grammar, and reduction of stylistic range
Creolization- occurs when children learn a pidgin as a first language, which then becomes the creole, reacquiring the characteristics of a full language
Slang- special informal vocabulary
Cant- underworld slang
Argot- specialized terminology in general (so includes cant)
Jargon- specialized terminology that may spread from a narrow group (e.g., professional jargon) until used or understood by population at large. Sometimes slang, cant, argot, and jargon are used interchangeably, especially the latter three.

Speech acts- according to Austin and Searle, there are four important categories of speech acts:
Utterance acts are simply acts of uttering sounds, syllables, words, phrases, and sentences from a language. From a speech act point of view, these are not very interesting, because an utterance act per se is not communicative (a parrot can do one).
Illocutionary act is performed in uttering something
Perlocutionary act is performed by uttering something; which produces an effect on the hearer
Propositional acts have to do with the content of utterances, the basic acts of referring and predicating, wherein a speaker refers to something and then characterizes it
Illocutionary acts can often be successfully performed simply by uttering the right explicit performative sentence, with the right intentions and beliefs, and under the right circumstances., e.g.
(15) a. I (hereby) order you to leave.
b. I (hereby) promise to pay.
c. I (hereby) appoint you chairman.
Unlike perlocutionary acts, illocutionary acts are central to communication. Our conversations are composed of statements, suggestions, requests, proposals, greetings and the like. When we do perform perlocutionary acts such as persuading or intimidating, we do so by performing illocutionary acts such as stating or threatening. Illocutionary acts have the feature that one performs them simply by getting one's illocutionary intentions recognized.

CREOLE            A : pidgin once it has native speakers.
PIDGIN            : A variety of a language that is not a native language of anyone, but is learned in contact situations.
CREOLIZATION           : Changes in a pidgin as a result of adding vitality or mother tongue speakers.
DIACHRONIC VARIATION       Changes in a language over time.
DIALECT          : A variety of a language used recognizably in a specific region or (a social...) by a specific social class.
DIALECTOLOGY              The search for spatially and geographically determined differences in various aspects of the language.
diglossia : A situation when two distinct varieties of the same language are used, side by side, for two different sets of functions.
domain   : Typical social situation with three defining characteristics: place, role-relationship, and topic.
jargon   : Speech used by a marked group of people such as a trade or occupation.
Zaenul Wafa

Speech community- any human aggregate characterized by regular and frequent interaction by means of a shared body of verbal signs and set off from similar aggregates by significant differences in language usage
Repertoires- sets of styles, codes and linguistic information possessed by members of the community, selected according to social needs
Speech act- routine ways of speaking; utterances that involve both language and social information; e.g., promise, argue, joke utter, dare, curse, disdain (?)
Speech event- social interactional event involving communication; how speech resources of the community are largely put to use
compound bilinguals  Bilinguals who learned one language after (and so through) another.  co-ordinate bilinguals  Bilinguals who have learned each language in separate contexts and so keep them distinct.
 Jakobson's functions of speech:
Function Focus (or aspect)
referential, cognitive context
poetic message
metalinguistic code
directive, conative adressee (R)
emotive, expressive S
contact phatic, interaction management
Linguistics Vs. Sociolinguistics
Focus on the Sentence speech acts, events, discourse
Qualitative units (predicate, etc.) some quantification of linguistic
Absolute rules (variable) rules in their social context
Ideal speaker/hearer (competence) real speaker/hearer (performance)
Homogeneous speech community heterogeneous
Cognitive/referential function other functions as well as logico/
perceptual function
product process
replication of uniformity model organization of diversity model
Codes: Language- e.g., English
Dialect- e.g., Nigerian English
Register- e.g., Baby talk
Style- e.g., intimate
Genre- e.g., Joke
Idiolect- Idiosyncrasies of individual speech
Accent- difference of pronunciation (often associated with regional dialect)
Dialect- difference between kinds of language in terms of vocabulary and grammar as well as pronunciation (sometimes really separate language, or "languages" are really just dialects); regional and ethnic association
Standard- the dialect or variety of the dominant socioeconomic group
- often the written variety, or that taught in class
- sometimes a 'high' variety (cf. "Diglossia" article)
Lingua Franca- second language spoken by common agreement by people from different language communities for social, economic or political purposes
Pidgin- lingua franca with no native speakers (so-called "broken"); results from merger of two or more languages, involving simplification so that a new, but rudimentary language emerges in a special contact situation; there are fewer lexical items, simpler grammar, and reduction of stylistic range
Creolization- occurs when children learn a pidgin as a first language, which then becomes the creole, reacquiring the characteristics of a full language
Slang- special informal vocabulary
Cant- underworld slang
Argot- specialized terminology in general (so includes cant)
Jargon- specialized terminology that may spread from a narrow group (e.g., professional jargon) until used or understood by population at large. Sometimes slang, cant, argot, and jargon are used interchangeably, especially the latter three.

Speech acts- according to Austin and Searle, there are four important categories of speech acts:
Utterance acts are simply acts of uttering sounds, syllables, words, phrases, and sentences from a language. From a speech act point of view, these are not very interesting, because an utterance act per se is not communicative (a parrot can do one).
Illocutionary act is performed in uttering something
Perlocutionary act is performed by uttering something; which produces an effect on the hearer
Propositional acts have to do with the content of utterances, the basic acts of referring and predicating, wherein a speaker refers to something and then characterizes it
Illocutionary acts can often be successfully performed simply by uttering the right explicit performative sentence, with the right intentions and beliefs, and under the right circumstances., e.g.
(15) a. I (hereby) order you to leave.
b. I (hereby) promise to pay.
c. I (hereby) appoint you chairman.
Unlike perlocutionary acts, illocutionary acts are central to communication. Our conversations are composed of statements, suggestions, requests, proposals, greetings and the like. When we do perform perlocutionary acts such as persuading or intimidating, we do so by performing illocutionary acts such as stating or threatening. Illocutionary acts have the feature that one performs them simply by getting one's illocutionary intentions recognized.

CREOLE            A : pidgin once it has native speakers.
PIDGIN            : A variety of a language that is not a native language of anyone, but is learned in contact situations.
CREOLIZATION           : Changes in a pidgin as a result of adding vitality or mother tongue speakers.
DIACHRONIC VARIATION       Changes in a language over time.
DIALECT          : A variety of a language used recognizably in a specific region or (a social...) by a specific social class.
DIALECTOLOGY              The search for spatially and geographically determined differences in various aspects of the language.
diglossia : A situation when two distinct varieties of the same language are used, side by side, for two different sets of functions.
domain   : Typical social situation with three defining characteristics: place, role-relationship, and topic.
jargon   : Speech used by a marked group of people such as a trade or occupation.

Menjadi siswa terbaik ( Be the best student )

Menjadi siswa yang seutuhnya
                Siswa adalah calon dan sekaligus aktor keberlangsungan generasi bangsa ini. Dari siswa inilah masa depan bangsa dipertaruhkan. Dan jika seandainya para siswa generasi masa depan ini tidak bisa mempertahankan status kesiswaanya maka sulit sekali membayangkan terbentuknya Negara dengan pemimpin-pemimpin yang baik.
Dipungkiri atau tidak dari bangku sekolah seperti ini para pemimpin-pemimpin kecil dilahirkan dan di didik, hal yang seharusnya dilakukan seorang siswa adalah mempersiapkan apa yang harus dan wajib ia miliki untuk mempersiapkan dirinya kelak saat hidup sebagai masyarakat. Mengerti dan pahamilah biasakaanlah dengan mencari pengalaman sebagai seorang siswa yang hidup di sekolah contohnya mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakulikuler dan ikut aktif dalam organisai sekolah karena tidak selamanya kita akan berada dan sekolah terus. Pertanyaan nya adalah apa hubunganya menjadi siswa seutuhnya dengan aktif dikegiatan sekolah? Izinkan saya menjelaskan dalam selembar kertas putih ini siswa seutuhnya adalah 

1. Seorang siswa yang mau mengikhlaskan hatinya untuk mengeksplorasi (mengembangkan) kemampuan yang sebenarnya Tuhan sudah titipkan pada diri setiap manusia.
2. Seorang siswa yang mau merelakan kesenangan-kesenangan kecil yang dunia ini tawarkan yang sifatnya sesaat (nonton TV dirumah, ngobrol berjam-jam tanpa arah dengan teman dari sekolah lain tentang cewek atau cowok, tidur dari selesai pulang sekolah sampai jam 4 sore dll )
3. Seorang siswa yang berani meyakinkan dirinya untuk selalu semangat dalam memperkaya pengetahuan saat teman-teman sebangkunya sedang asyik santai dan mengganggunya dalam belajar.
Dari tiga pengertian menjadi siswa seutuhnya diatas sebenarnya pengertian menjadi siswa sutuhnya itu kembali pada setiap diri siswa bahwa mulailah dengan menentukan dan memutuskan untuk menjadi siswa yang tidak hanya berangkat sekolah terus pulang dan tidur. Jalani status sebagai siswa ini sebagai masa yang wajib digunakan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri karena bagaimanapun juga akan ada waktu dimana setiap manusia akan menyesali terhadap apa yang telah ia jalani.

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013


Dalam acara PERJUSAMI (perkemahan Jumat, Sabtu, Minggu)
MTs. Yasis At-taqwa Pahesan

Indah : Tiba-tiba menangis ( hiks..hiks )
Parto datang dan menghiburnya ,dan bertanya : kenopo kowe cah ayu-koyok yuyu
Indah : Anu, mas Parto, di putus pacarku
Parto :  Aduh-aduh , zaman semodern ini masih nangis karena cinta ?? Kamsupay banget kowe
jangan suka menulis di atas kaca
menulislah diatas meja
janganlah menangis karena cinta
menangislah karena aku cinta kamu apa adanya
Karyo datang  dan berkata : ( sambil mengendus-endus ) ambu-ambu ne aku mambu ambu genderwo iki
Parto dari belakang langsung menepuk dada Karyo , : Genderwo piye, gantenge koyok gatut koco ngine
Karyo : ada pantun ?
Parto : Ada !!
Karyo : buat siapa ?
Parto : Buat loe..
Buah kedongdong buah manggis
walo muka kayak gerandong, yang penting artis/manis
Indah : Makan nasi sepiring berdua
Rasanya enak tiada tara
Awas cowok suka menggoda
Diam-diam watak buaya
Karyo : Rindu abang ini murni, cinta abang apalagi
“ tidak perlu kosmetika
Kalau ingin awet muda
Sebenarya saya tidak suka mengobral kata
Kecuali dg wanita secantik anda ( tepuk tangan donk , raja gombal gue )

Parto : Minggir-minggir, nih ade pantun buat adek
Indah : coba dinda dngerin deh
Parto : sarapan pagi makan burger
Kenapa saya kok kayak justin bieber
Karyo (berlagak Tanya ke penonton ) lawan penonton ? : punya teman namanya saiful
Lucunya mirip kayak tukul
Emang kamu paling beautipul

Kagak ragu ane bilang I love you full

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

RPP Bahasa Inggris SMA 2013

School                         :  SMAN 2 Salatiga
Subject                        :  English
Class/Semester            :  XI/2
Topic                           :  Report (Genre)
Duration                      :  2 x 45 minutes ( The First meetings)

Competency Standards
Understand monologue text /essay; report, narrative dan analytical exposition accurately and thank in daily conversation context and access knowledge.

Basic Competency
Understand and respond meaning in monologue text/essay that uses variety of written and spoken language accurately and fluently.

·         Identify the main idea of listening comprehension in report (one of genre types)
·         Identify and understand the meaning of the listening comprehension in report

Aim of learning
·         Student identify the main idea of listening comprehension of reportA kangaroo”
·         Student can identify and understand the meaning of the listening comprehension of  report “A kangaroo”

a.       Trustworthiness
b.      Respect
c.       Self-confidence
d.      Responsibility


A. Report Text
Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analyses." [Report adalah sebuah teks yang menghadirkan informasi tentang suatu hal secara apa adanya. Teks ini adalah sebagai hasil dari observasi dan analisa secara sistematis.]

Dengan demikian, sebenarnya teks report dan descriptive mempunyai perbedaan yang cukup jelas, meski nampak keduanya dikatakan sebagai "saudara kembar" sekalipun. Intinya, dalam report text itu biasanya berisi dengan fakta-fakta yang bisa dibuktikan secara ilmiah.

 1. Generic Structure Report Text.
Seperti halnya dengan descriptive text, Report text juga hanya memiliki dua struktur umum [generic structure] yaitu :
    a. General Clasification; Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya.
    b. Description: tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors; Pada bagian ini biasanya memberikan gambaran fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi; baik bagian-bagiannya, sifat-sifatnya, kebiasaannya, ataupun tingkah lakunya. Intinya adalah penjabaran dari klasifikasi yang disajikan dengan ilmiah.

B. Material discussion
A kangaroo
A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.

Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long, and very strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight metres, and leap across fences more than three metres high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometres per hour.

The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adult grow to a length of 1.60 metres and weigh over 90 kilos.

Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.

C. Listening Technique
To catch the global meaning of the listenng comprehension is not easy. Every learners in any language need more attention to understand listening in a conversatio, speech etc. This are some tips to catch or comprehend the meaning in the long or short listening in a test.
1)   Name                 :  name of speakers in the listening
2)   Information       :  number, year etc
3)   Place                  :  situation; market, school, air port, post office, train station etc
4)   The word           :  the word often appears

Learning Method
-          Cooperative Learning – STAD

Steps of Learning Activity

Learning Steps

A. Preliminary
10 minutes

a. The teacher says hello and point one of the
     students to lead a prayer together before the lesson
    begins as a form of religious attitudes.
b. The teacher checks students as a social care.

B. Core Activity

10 menit

a. The teacher stated what the purpose and the material in
    the lesson (report listening; Blue Whale).
b. The teacher tells the rule of STAD in the class; teaching,   
    team study, test, individual development and team

50 menit

a. The Teacher divides 34 students in the class into 8 teams
   (4 – 5 students in a team).
b. Allow them to choose the name of the team and make
    their own jingle of the team. (4-5 minutes)
c. Give an answer sheet to each team.
d. The teacher checks the team readiness with guessing the
    words in the listening song.
e. The Teacher suggests the students to understand the     
    concept of listening comprehension using 5 W + 1 H. (10  
    minutes to understand the material: general classification,
    description in report)
f. The teacher asks the students about the problem in the
g. The teacher asks the material and collect
h. The teacher suggests the students to write down the
    words in the listening they hear and allow them to discuss
    about the listening play in twice  playing
i.  Teacher ask them to prepare their selves to do the
    listening test individually
j.  The teacher conducts a test (report listening
    comprehension; 3-4 times in playing).
k. The teacher evaluates the result of test immediately and
    grade the individual development

 10 menit

a. The teacher gives response and conclusion about the
    lesson communitavely.
b.The Teacher announces the best team of the day and
   appreciate them with a certificate for the team

10 menit

a. A teacher states the following material that will be

1. Resource
    a. (http://englishahkam.blogspot.com)

2. Assessment
    a. Description
1. Student can identify the main idea of the
    listening comprehension in report

2.Students can work individually or in a

Listening test
Correct answer x 5

    1. Instrument of test
Name            :
Team name   :
Date             :

The largest (1)_______  alive is the blue (2)_______. Fully grown, these great creatures (3)_______  length of over (4)_______  meters and weigh as much as (5)_______ large elephants, or more than 1,500 men. The heart of a blue whale is more than a meter in (6)_______.
The blue whale is not a fish, even though it (7)_______ its entire life in the (8)_______. Whales are (9)_______, just like us. A mother whale gives (10)_______  to a live baby whale, not an egg. She feeds her baby with her own milk. While fish are clod-blooded, whales are (11)_______, and they have (12)_______  and breathe air, like us.
For all its (13)_______, a blue whale feeds mainly on tiny shrimps. It is (14)_______  to man. Unfortunately for the blue whales, men are not harmless to them. So many blue whales are hunted and (15)_______  that very few of these magnificent animals are now left alive.

1. What is the text about?
   A. Fish
   B. Blue whale
   C. Shrimps
   D. mammals
   E. Shark

2. What is the main idea of the second
  A. The blue whale is not a fish
  B. The largest animal is the blue whale
  C. The blue whale feeds mainly on tiny shrimps
  D. The blue whale feeds her baby with her own
  E. The blue whale is a kind of mammal

3. Which statement below is true according to
   the passage?
  A. Whale eats every sea creature
  B. Whale breaks by laying egg
  C. Whale is a huge animal
  D. Whale is a kind of fish
  E. Whale is a dangerous fish

4. "For all its size, a blue whale feeds mainly on tiny shrimps." What does the word "tiny" mean in the sentence?
  A. Huge
  B. Small
  C. Big
  D. Very small
  E. Tiny

5. The last paragraph of the text is categorized as
 A. General classification
 B. Orientation
 C. Complication
 D. Resolution
 E. Description
 2. Answer key

1. Animal
2. Whale.
3. Reach
4. 30
5. Twenty four
6. Diameter.
7. Lives
8. Sea.
9. Mammals,
10. Birth

11. Warm-blooded,
12. Lungs
13. Size,
14. Harmless
15. Killed
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. A

c.  Assessment technique
     Slavin (Trianto, 2007:55)
     a) Individual Score
Test Score
Development Score
More than 10 points under first score
10-1 points under first score
Quiz score until 10 points upper first score
More than 10 points upper first score
Answer sheet is perfect (apart from first score)
  0  point
10  points
20  points
30  points
30  points

    b) Team Score
         Average score of team =    adding the team development score
                           Members of the team

Average Score
Development Score
0 < N < 5
6 < N< 15
16 < N<20
21 < N< 30
Good Team
Great Team
Super Team

Approved by

                                                                                                            Salatiga,  May 2nd, 2013
Principal                                                                                               English Teacher

Drs.F.Y. Sigit Supriyanto                                                                   Zaenul Wafa

NIP. 196705111995121003